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Kushtaka Behind Bars Shadowbox - 13.5" x 8.5" 18g copper cut, formed, and etched by Michael. Shadowbox is 14" x 8" x 2" with a black cherry finish.


The Kushtaka/Koosh Daka was a story, evolved from a rabid land otter bite making its victim crazy in the head. Over time it became a shape-shifting creature that could hypnotize a person with its whistle. It would disguise itself as a very attractive person or long lost family members in order to draw someone away from their own village and join/become Kushtaka. A medicine man would be brought in to find the missing person and battle in the spirit world to break the deception and return the victim home.

I think our modern society is being controlled with the same deceptive energy and am asking each and everyone of You to help us break free from the lies.

Everyone of the People on this planet is descended from spiritual Human Beings that lived in harmony with the earth and its creatures. We didn't own the land that we walked upon. We took care of it and only took what we needed for our communities and neighbors. We shared in the abundance that is our world.

The Kushtaka has us all convinced that it is world of scarcity and uses this fear to control us like a farmer with its livestock. BLM. Is it any wonder why the Indigenous People of the USA were put under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management and had their most abundant resources destroyed or heavily regulated?

Wake with us everyday and choose to no longer enable the Lie. The big Lie that is enabled by all the little lies.

Civilization is not civil.

It is our response-ability to respect and honor Mother Earth and ALL of her children.

Mitakuye Oyasin

Kushtaka Behind Bars Shadowbox


    © 2023 by Ascended Hearts Studio

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